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This is the communal TODO list. Use it to store tasks that will be done several weeks from now or have no particular dev assigned to them. This is obviously not a complete list, but should contain all of the major tasks that are planned, but are not currently being worked on.

Tier I (must eventually be implemented)

  • Create a System Settings file (stores things like audio and visual settings)
  • Create user profiles (stores things like name, mental background, difficulty settings)
  • Add the appropriate copyright information (see GNU public license) to each file and a file in the build with the copyright info
  • Make fonts resolution dependent. Right now their physical size is in pixels so their display size changes as resolution changes.

Tier II (should eventually be implemented)

  • Load all content in overloads of Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.LoadGraphicsContent() and unload them in ...UnloadGraphicsContent()
  • Upgrade to XNA 2.0

Tier III (would be nice to have, but definitely not necessary)

  • Voice overs for dialog